"This is a FREE On Demand Training. There Are No Costs, But This Will Be Available For 48 Hours ONLY!"
How To Start & Grow A Highly Profitable Online Credit Consulting Business Within The Next 30 Days
(Regardless Of Your Current Credit)

One of a kind training with Jesse Miller

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On This FREE Training I Will Reveal…

How To Start & Grow A ‘Credit Consulting’ Business

 In Less Than 1 Month Even If You Have ZERO Business Experience…

How To Find People To Pay You & Get Your FIRST Client

 In Less Than 2 Hours WITHOUT Spending A Single Dollar On Advertising…

How To Get Results For Your Clients

Even If You Don’t Know ANYTHING About Credit… And Even If Your Credit Isn’t Good!

Why This 97,710,000 Strong Market...

 Is A Wholesome, Honest Way To Make $1,800/Hour Helping People Actually Solve Their Problems...

Don’t Believe Me? Take A Look At What My Past Clients Had To Say… 

STILL Not Convinced?

It gives you the tools to learn as you go. It's a perfect guide so rather than spending months becoming an expert, I'm able to learn the whys and hows from the experts as I go along. With each step I'm gaining more confidence and understanding more how the whole credit game works. 
- Lisa Pietragallo
Becoming apart of this family has affected my family financial outlook in the most positive way ever. From not being able to obtain a credit card to getting over $20k, brand new $40k car and now choosing a home of our choice. Following the step by step process has now moved me to open a business and not working for anyone.
- Janet Nicholas
I love EVERYTHING! The simplicity of the RTG, the flow of the system, the cost compared to value the product delivers, the ability to go from a product of the product to credit entrepreneur, and I cannot forget the nurturing community.
- Kendall Taylor
This system is the best thing ever happened! All the money I been spending etc, and get nothing in return. But yet, this group y'all created, and the methods is like heaven on earth!!
- Roddy Rod
I've become more aware of my actions, personally, with credit decisions. The Academy is a wealth of knowledge and family-like. The RTG is the shit. As you know I work two jobs and I really see credit repair replacing my second job. That's my goal.
- Cynthia Marie
RTG has been a major help I have gain so many clients because I have been getting results. I have 3 mortgage brokers and 2 people in major dealerships in my town sending me clients. I was able to leave my job of 12 years because of the teaching and systems Rodney Peak & Jesse Miller have put together. Thank you.
- Danny Everett

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Answer the question below to find out…

Where Abouts Are You In Your Life Right Now?

Trapped in the frustrating 9-5 trading time for money.
Searching for an opportunity that’ll easily replace a 9-5 income but give me more freedom. 
Own a business that’s doing ok.
Doing really well in life, got everything I could have asked for.
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